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Prices start at $55 for India Blue and ?

Once we reach the quotas, we will shut future. ?

Discover the allure of peafowl, nature’s living masterpieces. Cameo peacocks are a cameo brown all over with a darker, chocolate brown neck and breast. Mail Orders to: Brandon Legg Order Form Click Here 12016 N. The purple continues into their train, as well as teal-blue to different shades of blue. craigs list galveston com Website: n/a Price: $75-$150 – more information available upon inquiry. Kansas City, MO 64167 Brad Cell: (816) 781-4498 Indian Blue Peacocks 1 year: £100: SOLD OUT: Indian Blue Peahens 1 year: £120: SOLD OUT: Indian Blue Peacocks 2 years: £140 Indian Blue Peahens 2 years: £140: SOLD OUT: Indian Blue Peacocks 3 years (full tailed) £180 White Peacocks 1 year: £140: SOLD OUT: White Peahens 1 year: £130: SOLD OUT: White Peacocks 2 years: £150 White Peahens 2. 8 Assorted Peachicks, Breeder's Choice No reviews yet $529 Decrease Quantity of 8 Assorted Peachicks, Breeder's Choice. Oaten Peahens are a pale tan color, much lighter than the Cameos. This range depends on factors like breed, age, and coloration. oakley display case Currently we have 9 peafowls. They used to offer peafowl for sale, including adult peacocks and peahens, but haven’t posted recently about it on their Facebook page. Year-round, you can shop chicken coops, chicken coop runs, poultry feed and treats, poultry feeders, poultry waterers, supplements and more, while seasonally you can search for a variety of live egg-hatching chick breeds to bring home. These extravagant voyages offer passengers the opportunity to indulge in opulent suites,. homes for rent in hartsville sc com; Website: Facebook Page ; Price: Available on inquiry; Peacock Heritage Farms is a peafowl hatchery located in Brooksville, Florida. ….

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