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Thank you for your patience, and we will respond as quickly as possible. This web-based training is sponsored by the Joint Staff in coordination with the Military Services. 2 Level A SERE Education and Training in Support of the Code of Conduct (FOUO) (4 hrs) The Department of Defense has an obligation to train, equip, and protect its personnel, to prevent their capture and exploitation by its adversaries, and reduce the potential for personnel to be used as leverage against U security objectives. JKO in the COVID Environment • JKO remained fully operational on secure military networks providing online access to courses and collaboration sites. doug bishop adventures with purpose net worth Then again, 99% of people I've met in the Army are tards. “#army#jko #4upage #foryoupage #armylife #militok #military #militarylife #promotionpoints @metal_caffine_aids @jadevader @aidanpf @sgtcharliemike” order to take advantage of the capabilities in the LMS. TikTok video from RentaSergeant (@rentasergeant): “Discover the easiest way to earn promotion points in the army with 240 hours of quick JKO courses. J3TA-US1329 SERE 100. Come back to the last class like a week later and finish it up. buds guns layaway Andrew Winski with the 75th Ranger Regiment for winning the 40th anniversary of the Army’s Best Ranger Competition. Develop, deliver, track, report, and support online distributed learning to enhance individual and staff proficiency in Joint operations and improve operational readiness of the Joint enterprise. DOD-US1364-22 Department of Defense (DoD) Cyber Awareness Challenge 2022 (1 hr) This course content is based on the requirements addressed in these policies and from community input from the DoD CIO chaired Cyber Workforce Advisory Group (CWAG). Create a JKO Account April 2022 2 U Military or Federal Government Civilian who has one of the following email address extensions: GOV, EDU, EDU. This is the fourth straight victory for the Regiment. dayton traffic accidents Trying to get my CC hours up so I could promote. ….

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